The Queen City Sampler Guild is a nonprofit educational organization whose purpose is to promote the art of sampler making, both historic and contemporary, the study of sampler history, and the preservation of antique samplers. We are based in Cincinnati, Ohio, although our members are from all over the region and the country. Cincinnati is also known as The Queen City, which is how our name originated.

Upcoming Events

Our 2025 programs start on January 25th with a Zoom lecture by Claudia Dutcher Kistler on Colored Bristol Samplers.  Make sure you are a member of the Guild to attend this event.

2025 is an exciting year for the guild as we will celebrate our 30th Anniversary and Paulette Stewart has designed a special piece for us!  This event will occur in April.

Check the Programs Pages for the latest information.  An invitation for the Zoom stitch-ins and meetings will be sent to all guild members.  Zoom stitch-ins are held the first Wednesday and the third Thursday of every month and run from 7-11pm Eastern Time.  The January 2025 Wednesday zoom will be on January 8th.

Don't forgot to also check the newsletter for upcoming lectures and classes!

If you are interested in joining our Guild, the 2025 Membership form is now available!

Would you like to join our Guild, we are now accepting the fees via Paypal.

Just complete the membership form and email it to  Our treasurer will send you a Paypal invoice upon receipt of a fully-completed membership form, including the email account associated with your Paypal account.  Please allow up to a week to receive the invoice.

Check out our Facebook page by clicking the Facebook symbol below. If you are not already a member of our Queen City Sampler Guild Facebook group, you will be required to answer three questions in order to join the group. 


Monthly Stitch-Ins 2025

Day Group Night Group

 January 13                  January 22

February 10         February 26

March 10                          March 26

April 14                           April 23

May 12                             May 28

June  9                             June 25

July 14                             July 23

August 11                         August 27

September 8                     September 24

October 13                         October 22

November 10                     November 19

December 8                  (Not this month)

Would you like to stitch a Queen City Sampler Guild Nametag?

Nametag Pattern 

(Designed by Ellen Chester)

Queen City Sampler Guild, P.O. Box 43594, Cincinnati, OH 45243-0594